Egg Mayo Sandwich

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Egg Mayo Sandwich:-
▪Eggs………………4 (Boiled & Chopped)
▪Salt……….1/4 tsp or to taste
▪Black Pepper……….1/2 tsp or as taste
(Pissi kali mirch)
▪Mayonnaise……….. 6 tbsp
▪Cream………… 3 tbsp
▪Butter………….2 tbsp

▪︎In a bowl, add boiled Eggs and mash them.
▪︎Add cream, mayonnaise, butter, salt, black pepper and mix until well combined.
▪︎Then cut the bread edges.
▪︎Spread the mixture in the bread and place other bread piece in it.
▪︎Now cut the sandwich in square pieces.
▪︎Egg mayo sandwich is ready to eat.

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