Chatpati Imli Chana Chaat

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Chatpati Imli Chana Chaat:-
▪︎Chickpeas………….. 3 cups (boiled)
▪︎Kidney beans …………. 1 & 1/2 cup (boiled)
(Lal lobia)
▪︎Potatoes ……….. 2 cups (cube cut & boiled )
▪︎Onion……….1 cup (Sliced)
▪︎Green chillies……..2 – 3 (Chopped)
(Sabz mirch)
▪︎Tomatoes……….1/2 cup (Chopped)
▪︎Mint leaves……… 4 tbsp (Chopped)
▪︎Fresh coriander ……… 4 tbsp (Chopped)
(Hara dhania)
▪︎Tamarind pulp……. 1/2 cup
(Imli ka guda)
▪︎Salt…………1/2 tsp
▪︎Ginger powder……1/2 tsp
(Adrak powder)
▪︎Chaat Masala ……….1 tsp
▪︎Red chilli powder ………. 1/4 tsp
(Pissa lal mirch)
▪︎Water ……… 1/2 cup
▪︎Tamarind sauce ……4 tbsp or as required
(Imli ki chatni)

▪︎In a bowl, Add chickpeas, potatoes, lobia , green chillies, mint, fresh coriander, onion, tomatoes, salt, red chilli powder, ginger powder, chaat masala, tamarind pulp ,
and mix it well.
▪︎Top with tamarind sauce.
▪︎Chatpati imli chana chaat is ready to eat.

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