Mutton Barley Porridge

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Mutton Barley Porridge:-
▪︎ Mutton & bones………….2 pcs
(Bakre ka gosht)
▪︎Barley broken………….4 tbsp  (washed)
▪︎Ginger………..1 small piece
▪︎Garlic cloves…………2
(Lehsun ke jave)
▪︎Salt…………….1/4 tsp or as taste
▪︎Coriander powder…………1/2 tsp
(Pissi dhania)
▪︎Turmeric powder……. 1/4 tsp
(Pissi haldi )
▪︎Cinnamon sticks…….1 small sized
(Dar chini)
▪︎Black peppercorn……3
(Sabut kali mirch)
▪︎Water……………….2 glass or as required
▪︎Sprinkle black pepper
(Pissi kali mirch)

▪︎In a pan, add mutton & bones, ginger, garlic cloves, coriander powder, salt, turmeric powder, cinnamon sticks, black peppercorn, cloves and water.
▪︎Cook on high flame until boil come.
▪︎Now Cover it & cook on low flame for 1 hour or until mutton tender.
▪︎Add barley broken and mix it.
▪︎Now Cover it & cook on low flame for 30 mins or until barley cooked.
▪︎Turn off the flame and transfer in to a bowl.
▪︎After that, Sprinkle black pepper.
▪︎Try out this healthy & fullfilling sehri meal “Mutton Barley Porridge”.
▪︎Best for diet & weightloss conscious people.

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