Creamy Ice Cream Delight

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Creamy Ice Cream Delight:
▪︎Milk ………..1 litre
▪︎Sugar……….8 tbsp
▪︎Milk……….. 1/2 cup
▪︎Ice cream powder………..6 tbsp
▪︎Vermicelli ………..1/2 cup (Boiled)
▪︎Cream……..200ml (1 packet)
▪︎Fruit cocktail drained………… 1/2 cup or as required
▪︎Almond………4 tbsp or as required (chopped)
▪︎Pistachio…………4 tbsp (chopped)

▪︎In wok,add milk and bring it to boil.
▪︎Add sugar and cook until sugar dissolves.
▪︎In a small bowl, add ice cream powder,milk and mix well.
▪︎Gradually add dissolve ice cream powder, keep stirring and cook until thickens.
▪︎Turn off the flame & let it cool for 15 mins.
▪︎Then add cream and mix it well.
▪︎Let it refrigerate for 2 hours.
▪︎Now add boiled vermicelli, fruit cocktail, chopped almond & pistachios and mix it.
▪︎Transfer the ice cream mixture into a serving dish or tray.
▪︎Decorate with nuts & seviyan.
▪︎Let it refrigerate for 4 – 5 hours until chilled.
▪︎Here the delicious creamy ice cream delight is ready to eat.

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