Caramel Firni

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Caramel Firni:-
▪︎Milk ………..1 & 1/2 litre
▪︎Sugar……….12 tbsp
▪︎Cream………1/4 cup
▪︎Rice flour………..8 tbsp
(Chawalo ka atta)
▪︎Green cardamom powder …………1/4 tsp
(Pissi sabz elaichi)

▪︎In a heavy saucepan, add sugar and melt sugar on medium low heat.
▪︎Stir gently until sugar dissolves & changes color to golden brown.
▪︎When color is equally brown then remove from the heat.
(Note:- It will happen quickly and as soon as it does, you want to remove it from the heat. If you let it go too long, it will burn).
▪︎Add cream and mix it well & set aside.
▪︎In a pot, add milk and bring it to boil.
▪︎Add green cardamom powder, gradually add rice powder , whisk it well and cook for 12 – 15 mins on low to medium flame.
▪︎Add caramel sauce and mix it well, cook for 3 – 5 mins.
▪︎Add chopped almonds and mix it.
▪︎Turn off the flame.
▪︎Garnish with almonds, pistachios and serve chilled.

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