Yogurt Fruit Delight

To watch full recipe video click this link 👇 https://youtu.be/-ueqHgFc6HQ

Yogurt Fruit Delight :-
▪Apple…….2 cups  (Cube cut)
▪Potatoes…..1 cup (Cube cut & boiled)
▪Banana………2 (Slices)
▪Peas…..1/2 cup (Boiled)
▪Carrots…..1 cup  (Cube cut & boiled)
▪Elbow macaroni …..1 cup (Boiled)
▪Fruit cocktail…….1/2 cup
▪Almond…….4 tbsp
▪Salt…….1/4 tsp
▪Icing sugar…….2 tbsp or as taste
(Pissi cheeni)
▪Black pepper……1/2 tsp
(Pissi kali mirch)
▪Yogurt……….1 cup
▪Whipping cream………1 cup
▪Boiled Eggs…….2 pc
▪︎Vanilla essence……2 – 3 drops

▪︎In a bowl, add cream and beat for 3 – 5 mins until fluffy.
▪︎Add yogurt , icing sugar, salt, black pepper, vanilla essence and mix it well.
▪︎Then add apple, banana, boiled peas, carrots, potatoes, elbow macaroni, fruit cocktail and mix until well combined.
▪︎Decorate with boiled eggs and cherry on top.
▪︎Yogurt Fruit Delight is ready to eat.

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