Zebra Cake

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Zebra Cake:


â–ŞPlain flour………..2 cups (280 gms)(Maida)

â–ŞIcing sugar………….1 & 1/2 cup ( 240 gms)

â–ŞEggs………………..4 pcs(at room temperature)

â–ŞCocoa powder……..3 tbsp

â–ŞBaking powder…………2 tsp

â–ŞSalt……………..1/4 tsp

â–ŞVanilla essence ………..1 tsp

â–ŞOil………………. 1/2 cup

â–ŞLukewarm milk…….1 cup

(Neem garam doodh)

â– Direction:-

▪︎Firstly ,sieve thrice the plain flour, baking powder and set aside.

▪︎Add eggs and sugar in another bowl .whisk it for 5 to 7 min.

▪︎Add vanilla essence and oil and mix it well.

▪︎After that, add salt,gradually add flour mixture and milk in it and mix it well.

▪︎Separate half of the batter into another bowl. Add cocoa powder into one batter and fold everything to combine.

▪︎Greased pan with butter paper.

▪︎Pour 3 tbsp of vanilla batter to the center of greased pan. Then pour 3 tbsp of chocolate batter in the center of the vanilla batter. Keep repeating until you finish the rest of the batter,now make a flower with wooden stick, Gently tap the pan to help the batters settle in.

▪︎Pan size is 9 inch and 23 cm.

▪︎Bake in a preheated oven at 180°c for 40 to 45 mins.ORBake in a preheated pateela for 50 mins to 1 hour on low to medium flame.

▪︎Cool in the pan for 20 minutes, and then turn out onto serving plate.

â—ŹNote:-Bake until a toothpick inserted in the cake comes out clean.

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